DATE:                           May 1, 1994

SUBJECT:                     Sound Absorbing Kit P/N 69013.000

APPLICABILITY:            All Kitfox™  aircraft using the Rotax 912 with the optional pre-sewn sound insulation material installed on the firewall

FROM:                         SkyStar Engineering

In keeping with SkyStar's policy of making important information available to our customers, this service letter is issued as an advisory which needs your attention.

SkyStar has received reports that the P/N 69013.000 Sound Absorbing Kit insulation has sustained heat damage to areas near the exhaust pipes and the muffler on 912 engine installations.

SkyStar recommends installation of a heat shield over the insulation located near the exhaust system. Such a heat shield can be fabricated from .020" thick 6061-T6 aluminum, and riveted directly to the firewall with 1/8 x 3/16" SS rivets, so that the insulation is sandwiched between the new aluminum heat shield and the firewall.

After installation of the heat shield, periodic inspection of the insulation should be performed, to ensure that no further heat damage has taken place.